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29. Next Steps

1. Provide Information to Prepare a Value Proposition Letter
2. Engage the Family Office Services planner to develop the VPL
3.  Review the benefits of engaging FOS planners to develop a complete plan that minimizes tax while maximizing benefits for you, your heirs, and your family foundation.

Our process begins with the Value Proposition Letter. If a client has clarity about goals and his or her current situation, Phase 1 may involve nothing more than a VPL for a nominal price. After reviewing the VPL, the client engages the Wealth Adviser for a plan in Phase 2. The VPL recommends which plan would be right for the client. The VPL also details the costs and benefits of entering into a Phase 2 engagement.

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U.S. Treasury Circular 230 requires that this firm advise you that any tax advice provided was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used by you, for the purpose of avoiding penalties that the IRS could impose upon you.